P.O. Box 1623
Columbia, SC  29202

Below are items of interest regarding the Coalition and/or housing issues:

October 19, 2017
10:00 am
SC Housing
300-C Outlet Pointe Boulevard
Columbia, SC

Notice is hereby given that the South Carolina State Housing Finance and Development Authority (the "Authority") will receive public comment on the Authority's Proposed Technical Amendments to the 2017 and 2018 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) and 2017 and 2018 Tax Credit Manual to be used in making allocations of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit pursuant to Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. A public hearing has been scheduled for October 19, 2017, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (EST). The meeting will be held at the Authority's Board Room located at 300-C Outlet Pointe Blvd., Columbia, SC.

A copy of the Proposed Technical Amendments to the 2017 and 2018 QAP and 2017 and 2018 Tax Credit Manual is available for review on the Authority's website. Written comments about the Proposed Technical Amendments for the 2017 and 2018 QAP and 2017 and 2018 Tax Credit Manual will be accepted through 5:00 p.m. (EST) on October 20, 2017. Comments should be submitted in writing to the South Carolina State Housing Finance and Development Authority, Attn: Laura Nicholson, 300-C Outlet Pointe Blvd, Columbia, South Carolina, 29210, faxed to (803)551-4925, or emailed  laura.nicholson@schousing.com

​​If you are unable to attend in person, SC Housing is offering a Conference Call for the October 19th Public Hearing.

Call In Instructions:
1. Please choose the access number local to you

2. Please follow the voice prompts and, when asked, enter the Code 708038 followed by the # key.  You will be connected to the conference, if your Code is correct. If you are disconnected for any reason, repeat instructions above.

Do you have an event that would interest Coalition members?  If so, send your information to alisa@affordablehousingsc.org